Change iterm backgrounds when you SSH into different terminals
Oh my zsh! is awesome.
This is my favourite oh my zsh trick. All too often, you almost type the command in the wrong window. This can be disastrous when working with different environments.
I want to change the background of my terminal whenever I ssh into production machines.
With oh my zsh you can create a file called ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/iterm2-ssh.zsh
like so:
function tabc() {
NAME=$1; if [ -z "$NAME" ]; then NAME="Default"; fi
# if you have trouble with this, change
# "Default" to the name of your default theme
echo -e "\033]50;SetProfile=$NAME\a"
function tab-reset() {
echo -e "\033]50;SetProfile=$NAME\a"
function colorssh() {
if [[ -n "$ITERM_SESSION_ID" ]]; then
trap "tab-reset" INT EXIT
if [[ $* == dev* ]]; then
tabc Dev
elif [[ $* == stg* ]]; then
tabc Stage
elif [[ $* == beta* ]]; then
tabc Beta
elif [[ $* == prod* ]]; then
tabc Prod
tabc Default
ssh $*
compdef _ssh tabc=ssh
alias ssh="colorssh"
Here Dev, Beta, Stage, Prod are different environments.
I have corresponding themes created in my iterm.
Basically the ssh command is aliased to a shell function called colorssh which changes the theme based on whichever environment I ssh to. Not my invention, this trick. I read it somewhere but I have been using this for ages.